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Best Sugar for GERD?

Writer's picture: W. Duncan HumphriesW. Duncan Humphries

Is refined sugar making your reflux worse? Sugars and sweeteners have been linked to: 👹 Inflammation 💀 Candida overgrowth 💩 Constipation 👻 Bloating

Could removing sugars from your diet for a period help with your GERD? It did for this lady:

So what is the best type of sugar for your GERD?

Have you tried switching to: a. Stevia b. Raw Honey c. Black-strap Molasses d. Dates e. Maple Syrup

It’s hard to give up sugar. Some scientists argue that sugar can be as addicting as cocaine for rodents. So, if you can’t, or are not going to, give up sugar, then what is the healthiest sugar?

⚠️ Remember, GERD is an individual disease. A sugar/sweetener that works for some people may not work for you. Therefore, it’s important to know the factors that could influence your reaction to a substance. For sugar and sweeteners, consider the following factors:

1. Glycemic Index - How is the sweetener affecting my blood sugar levels? 2. Side Effects - Has the sweetener been linked to cancer, diabetes, or unpleasant symptoms? 3. Refinement Level - How refined/processed is the sweetener? 4. Nutrient Quality - How “empty” is my sweetener? 5. Sugar Type - Glucose, Fructose, Lactose, Sucrose, Maltose, etc. 6. Source - Is your sweetener organic? 7. Your Reaction - How do you feel when I use this sweetener?

Now, all of the above factors are related, but breaking down each sweetener in this way can help you make the best choice when it comes to sugar and your gastroesophageal reflux disease.

-------------------------------- Glycemic Index


Glycemic Index describes how much, and how quickly, a consumed substance effects blood sugar levels. Note: “white bread has a higher rating [GI] than table sugar, and that fruit leather is higher than a typical chocolate bar. The most significant factor driving use of the glycemic index for food choices is that several research studies reveal a connection between high-carbohydrate, high glycemic diets and some diseases. (...) It is important to keep in mind that this is still very new science without long-term assessment and verification.” -

The sweeteners with the highest GI are: 1. Maltodextrin - 110 2. Maltose - 105 3. Dextrose - 100 4. Glucose - 100

Some of the sweeteners with the lowest GI: 1. Stevia - 0 2. Inulin - 1 3. Mannitol - 2 4. Xylitol - 12

-------------------------------- Side Effects

Beware of low glycemic index sweeteners like aspartame that have been linked to cancer. - strongly recommends to avoid these artificial sweeteners because of possible negative side effects, some of which may include bloating and digestive upset:

1. Aspartame (Equal, NutraSweet, NatraTaste Blue) 2. Sucralose (Splenda) 3. Acesulfame K (ACE K, Sunette, Equal Spoonful, Sweet One, Sweet ‘n Safe) 4. Saccharin (Sweet ‘N Low, Sweet Twin) 5. Xylitol, Sorbitol See:

“High intakes of some sweeteners can cause gastrointestinal trouble. No more than 25g of xylitol, for instance, should be consumed daily - though you are unlikely to do so unless you snack on sugar-free sweets throughout the day.” -

High Fructose Corn Syrup has also been linked to a number of horrible side effects. See:

-------------------------------- Refinement Level

The processing of food may destroy/remove enzymes and nutrients originally found in the sweetener. Furthermore, the refinement process may alter compounds that may then have a possibly negative effect on the body.

Raw Honey is unrefined honey with a number of benefits:

Less refined types of sugar include: 1.Demerara Sugar 2.Turbinado Sugar 3. Muscovado Sugar 4. Cane Sugar

Using fruits like dates to sweeten dishes is a great way to avoid processed sugars/sweeteners.

-------------------------------- Nutrient Quality

When you use dates instead of sugar to sweeten a dish, you are also consuming the other nutrients found in the date. Molasses is a byproduct of the refinement of sugarcane or sugar beets. This refinement leaves the sugar as an “empty carb”, whereas molasses that remains still contains a good portion of the nutrients found in the original plant source.

-------------------------------- Sugar Type

Now remember, you may tolerate high GI sweeteners like dextrose better than lower GI sweeteners like Fructose. A high GI may mean that your body will absorb it before bacterial overgrowth can ferment it - But, for some types of overgrowth like candida, all types of sugars may need to be avoided:

Although they have a high GI, Glucose and dextrose are considered a low FODMAP sweetener because they don’t contain excess fructose. Whereas low GI sweeteners like Xylitol and Sorbitol are higher FODMAP. -

Other High FODMAP sugars and sweeteners:

- Fruit sugar - Fructose - Agave syrup - Honey - High Fructose Corn Syrup - Molasses See:

-------------------------------- Source

“Organic evaporated cane juice is a relatively unrefined sweetener made from the stalks of the sugar cane plant. It is healthier than the refined cane sugar present in so many beverages and baked goods in part because, being organic, it is produced without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is also closer to the unprocessed original plant, so it contains more nutrients than highly processed alternatives.”-


Remember: “Sugar is sugar, no matter what form it’s in. If you eat too much coconut sugar it’ll tax your liver, cause toxic accumulation, increase your risk of fungal infections, decrease brain function, and metabolize directly into fat.”-

Sugar and GERD Acid Reflux
Type of Sugar May Make a Difference with GERD

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