Holistic is defined as "characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole." Modern western medicine tends to isolates disease and injury. Meaning, western doctors and hospitals focus on the location of pain or damage. They effectively disconnect the problem from its cause, from the neighbouring organs, and from the vitality of the injured human being. This method works great for acute medicine. For example, when I was younger I fell off the monkey bars at the playground and broke my arm. I was rushed to the emergency room where the bone was set and then my arm was placed in a cast. Today my arm is like new. There was no point for the ER doctors to ask about my mental health, evaluate my posture, or make sure I didn't play on monkey bars again. I fell. I broke my arm. It hurt so I would not try to do it again. That's it. The cast reminded me not to use my arm until it was better, and it protected me from minor bumps and movements that might misplace my bone.
Because I like monkeys, I sometimes tell my clients to imagine having a monkey with a baseball bat on your back. And once a month this monkey would swing and break your arm. You go to the doctor and get a cast. Your arm heals or is getting close to healing, and then that monkey takes another swing. You go to the doctor again and the process repeats. Wouldn't you want the doctor to take a look at why you have a cyclic aggressive monkey on your back? Maybe the doctor starts prescribing harder and bigger casts to protect your arm, but the cast restricts the movement and use of your arm. Do you see the connection to GERD and chronic heartburn or acid reflux? Maybe for your case its better to think of a monkey that doesn't swing so hard but takes a number swings over a period of time to finally break your arm. The analogy is the same. Let's get the monkey(s) off our back.
If western medicine fails to emphasise prevention, then those injuries or diseases caused by our everyday environments, habits, or states will become or stay chronic.
GERD has many causes and if we don't remove them then we will suffer chronically or be forced to take medication that may impede our digestion and cause unpleasant side effects. And if we don't know the cause then we must look at GERD holistically. For example, antibiotic usage, food poisoning, traumatic stress, and a sedentary lifestyle can all have an impact on gut health.
Coaching helps you:
Investigate GERD related conditions
Look into posture, sleep, and eating habits
Evaluate stress, anxiety, and emotions
Investigate your past to discover possible instigators of your acid reflux/heartburn.
May you find recovery soon.